parenteral nutrition Archives - Critical Care Science (CCS)

  • Artigos de Revisão

    Protein requirements, morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients: fundamentals and applications

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013;25(1):49-55


    Artigos de Revisão

    Protein requirements, morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients: fundamentals and applications

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013;25(1):49-55

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2013000100010


    Recent evidence suggests that a negative protein balance secondary to severe disease is associated with increased morbidity. A loss of total body protein is inevitable in this scenario, even with an aggressive nutritional approach, primarily due to the catabolism of skeletal muscle fibers. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is the primary metabolic and biochemical mechanism involved in this process; paradoxically, this system consumes adenosine triphosphate as its energy source. It is possible that a neutral protein balance in these clinical situations is important for improving outcomes and achieving the caloric goals estimated or measured by indirect calorimetry. Recent studies have suggested that the use of higher protein concentrations in nutritional therapy for critically ill patients may help to reduce mortality. The purpose of this study was to review some of the nutrition therapy principles related to protein metabolism, evaluate the main assertions of the guidelines of specialty societies and review the recent studies that address these issues using critical insights from the authors' clinical experience.

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    Protein requirements, morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients: fundamentals and applications
  • Artigos de Revisão

    Nutrition therapy in severe head trauma patients

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2012;24(1):97-105


    Artigos de Revisão

    Nutrition therapy in severe head trauma patients

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2012;24(1):97-105

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2012000100015


    This article reviews the literature, organizes the major findings, and generates the best evidence-based recommendations on nutrition therapy for head trauma patients. Despite recent advances in head trauma diagnosis and therapy, the mortality associated with this condition remains high. Few therapeutic interventions have been proven to effectively improve this condition. Head trauma causes multiple metabolic and electrolytic disorders; it is characterized by a hypermetabolic state that is associated with intensive catabolism, leading to specific nutritional needs. The current literature lacks specific guidelines for nutrition therapy in severe head trauma patients, although a substantial amount of data has been reported and relevant issues are currently being studied; these data may allow better nutrition therapy guidelines for these patients. In addition to a well-trained multi-disciplinary team, the following recommendations appear to improve outcomes: introducing nutrition therapy early; preferred enteral administration; appropriate energy intake; formulations that are tailored to specific patients, including appropriate nutrients; and strict electrolytic and metabolic monitoring. Understanding the pathophysiology and the consequences of therapy is fundamental.

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  • Artigos de Revisão

    Nutritional therapy in Intensive Care Unit

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2007;19(1):90-97


    Artigos de Revisão

    Nutritional therapy in Intensive Care Unit

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2007;19(1):90-97

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2007000100012


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this review is to approach the main necessary aspects for the accomplishment of safety and efficient nutritional therapy to the critically ill patient. CONTENTS: Bibliographical survey with didactic books and scientific articles was made in Portuguese, English and Spanish with results of the last 20 years. Nutritional support is an integrant part in the care of patients in intensive care units. The success of the nutritional therapy involves the stages of nutritional assessment, determines the route of diet infusion and the calories and nutrients needs. CONCLUSIONS: The use of nutrients with immune function (immunonutrients) is each more frequents, however, its use is not well established for critical illness. More clinical studies are necessary to establish the best form to nourish the critical ill patient.

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