Editorial Policies - Critical Care Science (CCS)

Focus and Scope

Critical Care Science is aimed to disseminate high-quality clinical, epidemiological, translational, and health services research related to adult and pediatric critical care medicine.

Open Scientific Practice

Although Critical Care Science supports open science communication practices, the journal will continue to use its current double-blind peer review model and will not require research data to be available in repositories. Authors may be asked to provide the raw data related to an article for editorial review, and they should be prepared to provide public access to such data (consistent with the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers [ALPSP] Statement and International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers [STM] on data and databases) if practicable. It is desirable that data be kept for a reasonable period after publication.

Ethics in Publication

Critical Care Science endorses the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) – Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.

All Critical Care Science content is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CCBY) International Attribution.

The authors of articles published in the journal are the copyright owners of the article and may grant any third party the right to use, reproduce or disclose their article under the terms of the CCBY adopted by the journal.

The journal Critical Care Science supports the clinical trial registration policies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ICMJE, recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration and dissemination of trial results to the international community through open access. According to this recommendation and the guidelines of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) / WHO for journals indexed in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature databases (Lilacs) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Critical Care Science will only accept the publication of clinical trials that have been registered in clinical trials registries that meet the WHO and ICMJE requirements.In addition, it is strongly recommended that authors observe the appropriate EQUATOR guidelines for each type of study in the Equator network.

COPE-based procedures

Decision-making is based on the principles of COPE, as well as practical policies to achieve the highest ethical standards in publishing.

Digital Preservation

This journal follows the standards defined in the Política de Preservação Digital do Programa SciELO. The journal is indexing in SciELO platform since 2006.

Article Processing Charge

The journal is completely free to access, and there are no fees for submission, processing or publishing articles.

Financial Sustainability

Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) maintains Critical Care Science and will retain the responsibility for the maintenance of it journal. This journal has no financial support

Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy

In relation to ethical issues and misconduct the journal relies on the EQUATOR guide of Good Practices and Integrity, as well as the guide of good practices of Scielo.

For erratum, the journal follows the guidelines according to the guide provided by Scielo.For the procedures of registration and retractions of articles published by the journal are adopted the guidelines of SciELO.

Policy on Conflict of Interest

Declaration of conflict of interest – The conflicts of interest of all authors must be disclosed on the title page of the manuscript. Authors should download the appropriate form download it here) and, after signing, the authors should upload it during the submission process.

Adoption of Similarity Software

Any contributions submitted to Critical Care Science must be original, and the manuscript nor any part of it, must not be under consideration by any other journal. In addition, authors should not submit the same manuscript in different languages to different journals. Authors must declare any publications that may coincide at the time of submission for appreciation and evaluation by the editor. We submit the manuscripts to plagiarism detection tools (IThenticate, available on the ScholarOne platform) to detect any duplication, redundant publication or misconduct. Whenever any of these situations are detected, the Editor-in-Chief will contact the authors and their institutions. If the editor identifies a situation of plagiarism, the authors will be subject to immediate rejection of the submitted manuscript. If the editor is unaware of the situation when accepting the manuscript, there will be a retraction in subsequent edition of the journal.

Gender and Sex Issues

Critical Care Science observes a policy of gender equity in the formation of its editorial board. It has an average of 20% female, which takes into account the nature of the area where there is male predominance.

Ethics Committee

When reporting a study involving humans, their data or biological material, the authors must include a statement confirming that the study was approved (or that approval exemption was granted) by the institution’s Research Ethics Committee and/or the Ethics Committee for National Research, including the name of the committee, and certify that the study was conducted according to the ethical standards established in the Declaration of Helsinki of 1964 and its subsequent amendments or equivalent ethical standards. For studies conducted in Brazil, registration on the Plataforma Brasil and the Certificate of Presentation of Ethical Assessment (CAAE – Certificado de Apresentação de Apreciação Ética) is mandatory.

When reporting experiments on animals, the authors must indicate whether the institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed and whether the experiments were approved by the competent Ethics Committee. In any clinical or experimental study, human or animal, this information should be included in the Methods section.The ethics statements of Critical Care Science can be found on our website.


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY.

The authors of articles published in the journal are the copyright owners of the article and may grant any third party the right to use, reproduce or disclose their article under the terms of the CC-BY adopted by the journal.

The journal has open and free access.

Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

Site response – Copyright© by the Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira and Sociedade Portuguesa de Cuidados Intensivos. Todos os direitos reservados. Designado por Cabo Verde.

Author response – The authors of articles published in the journal are the copyright owners of the article and may grant any third party the right to use, reproduce or disclose their article under the terms of the CC-BY adopted by the journal.

License adopted by the journal –All contents published by Critical Care Science are licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY.Sponsors and Promotion Agencies – Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) maintains Critical Care Science. This journal has no financial support or sponsorship.