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You searched for:"Haroldo Falcão"

We found (5) results for your search.
  • Artigos originais

    Measurement of intra-abdominal pressure in the intensive care unit: the opinion of the critical care physicians

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2007;19(2):186-191


    Artigos originais

    Measurement of intra-abdominal pressure in the intensive care unit: the opinion of the critical care physicians

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2007;19(2):186-191

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2007000200008


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The adverse effects of intra-abdominal hypertension are known for many years. Only recently proper attention has been given to routine intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) monitoring. There is evidence that a quarter of intensive care units (ICU) do not measure IAP, due to a lack of knowledge of its importance or difficulty in results interpretation. The aim of this study is investigate the knowledge of ICU physicians about abdominal compartimental syndrome and its management. METHODS: A questionnaire with 12 questions about this issue was mailed to ICU physicians. RESULTS: The current knowledge of the international definitions of ACS does not seem to be linked to the number of years of medical practice, but was associated with the time spent working on intensive care. Although most physicians are aware of the existence of ACS, less than half know the present international definitions. The IAP monitoring is performed in patients at risk for ACS, by means of the intravesical filling with 25 to 100 mL of liquids, in intervals varying from of 4 to 8 hours. There was no consensus on the value of IAP values (with or without organ dysfunctions) for the clinical or surgical treatments of ACS in this survey. CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of ACS is satisfactory when we consider only physicians that devote most of their time to ICU work. However, it is necessary to improve education and knowledge of most intensive care physicians regarding the presence and severity of intra-abdominal hypertension in Rio de Janeiro.

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  • Editorial

    Intensive care unit visitation policies in Brazil: firsts steps in Latin America

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2014;26(4):328-329



    Intensive care unit visitation policies in Brazil: firsts steps in Latin America

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2014;26(4):328-329

    DOI 10.5935/0103-507X.20140048

    Intensive care medicine is a complex process with important repercussions for patients’ families. A systematic approach that incorporates family care is one of the pillars of humanized care. Beyond human aspects, this philosophy is associated with pragmatic outcomes and better communication and family satisfaction with care.(,) Some authors have shown how family satisfaction with care […]
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  • Artigos de Revisão

    Protein requirements, morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients: fundamentals and applications

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013;25(1):49-55


    Artigos de Revisão

    Protein requirements, morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients: fundamentals and applications

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013;25(1):49-55

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2013000100010


    Recent evidence suggests that a negative protein balance secondary to severe disease is associated with increased morbidity. A loss of total body protein is inevitable in this scenario, even with an aggressive nutritional approach, primarily due to the catabolism of skeletal muscle fibers. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is the primary metabolic and biochemical mechanism involved in this process; paradoxically, this system consumes adenosine triphosphate as its energy source. It is possible that a neutral protein balance in these clinical situations is important for improving outcomes and achieving the caloric goals estimated or measured by indirect calorimetry. Recent studies have suggested that the use of higher protein concentrations in nutritional therapy for critically ill patients may help to reduce mortality. The purpose of this study was to review some of the nutrition therapy principles related to protein metabolism, evaluate the main assertions of the guidelines of specialty societies and review the recent studies that address these issues using critical insights from the authors' clinical experience.

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    Protein requirements, morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients: fundamentals and applications
  • Original Articles

    Intensive care physicians’ attitudes and perceptions on nutrition therapy: a web-based survey

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2010;22(1):53-63


    Original Articles

    Intensive care physicians’ attitudes and perceptions on nutrition therapy: a web-based survey

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2010;22(1):53-63

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2010000100010


    OBJECTIVE: Nutritional therapy is an important element in critical ill patient care. Although recognized as specialty, multidisciplinary teams in nutrition support are scarce in our country. Possibly, nutrition support therapy is applied by intensive care physicians and this may vary. The aim of the study is describe these specialists perceptions about theirs attitudes in enteral nutrition support. METHODS: A questionnaire was elaborated in an on-line platform. After pre-validation, it was sent by electronic mail to intensivists. In 30 days answers were collected, considering only the full-filled questionnaires. RESULTS: One hundred an fourteen forms were returned, 112 were analyzed. The responders were localized at majority in southeastern region. About beggining of nutritional support, the majority of answers reflect perceptions in accord to specialists societies recommendations. The responders' perception the frequent utilization of assistentials protocols in nutrition care. After support beginning, the responders perceptions about theirs participation in changes in therapeutic plan seems to be lower. The self-knowledge about the theme among the responders was 6.0 (arithmetic media) in a 1 to 10 scale. CONCLUSIONS: More studies are necessary to evaluate nutritional support practices among intensive care physicians. Alternatives to on-line platform should be considered. Possibly, intensive care physicians do better in the initial phases of enteral support than in continuity of care. Intensive care physicians knowledge about the issue is suboptimal.

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    Intensive care physicians’ attitudes and perceptions on nutrition therapy: a web-based survey
  • Albumin in critically ill patients: controversies and recommendations

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2011;23(1):87-95


    Albumin in critically ill patients: controversies and recommendations

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2011;23(1):87-95

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2011000100014


    Human albumin has been used as a therapeutic agent in intensive care units for more than 50 years. However, clinical studies from the late 1990s described possible harmful effects in critically ill patients. These studies' controversial results followed other randomized controlled studies and meta-analyses that showed no harmful effects of this colloid solution. In Brazil, several public and private hospitals comply with the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency) recommendations for appropriate administration of intravenous albumin. This review discusses indications for albumin administration in critically ill patients and analyzes the evidence for metabolic and immunomodulatory effects of this colloid solution. We also describe the most significant studies from 1998 to the present time; these reveal an absence of incremental mortality from intravenous albumin administration as compared to crystalloid solutions. The National Health Surveillance Agency indications are discussed relative to the current body of evidence for albumin use in critically ill patients.

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    Albumin in critically ill patients: controversies and recommendations


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