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You searched for:"Letícia Sandre Vendrame Saes"

We found (2) results for your search.
  • Relato de Caso

    Perforation of esofagic mucosa for enteric tube: case report

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2006;18(1):104-108


    Relato de Caso

    Perforation of esofagic mucosa for enteric tube: case report

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2006;18(1):104-108

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2006000100017


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study is a case report of a patient that was submitted to implant of enteric tube (ET) in the ICU, being evidenced false passage in proximal esophagus during endoscopic procedure, demonstrating tunnel for the submucosa. CASE REPORT: A 77 years old woman, transferred to ICU, where ET was installed (due to difficulty of being carried through both nostrils) being confirmed its position through thoraco-abdominal x-ray. The patient remained around 10 days with the ET, receiving diet, without any alteration. In the 10th day she was evolved with melena and reduction of the values of Hb/Ht, without hemodynamic repercussion. Submitted to the high digestive endoscopic that evidenced ulcer injury to bulbar, of about 2.5 cm, with signals of former bleeding. During the examination, a false passage of the ET in proximal esophagus was visualized: 2 cm below of the crico-faring, tunnel for the submucosa possibly for all above-mentioned segments, following its habitual passage until gastric chamber. CONCLUSIONS: Patients of high risk for esophagus perforation for ET installation can be identified and well-taken care of adjusted they can be used. If to occur perforation, this must be identified how much so early possible, for adequate treatment. The adequate treatment depends of each case and same the clinical therapy can be appropriate in selected cases.

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    Perforation of esofagic mucosa for enteric tube: case report
  • Artigos de Revisão

    Polyneuropathy in the critical ill patient: a common diagnosis in intensive care medicine?

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2006;18(3):307-310


    Artigos de Revisão

    Polyneuropathy in the critical ill patient: a common diagnosis in intensive care medicine?

    Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2006;18(3):307-310

    DOI 10.1590/S0103-507X2006000300014


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The diffuse axonal polyneuropathy, more commonly known as Critical Illness Polyneuropathy (CIP), has been discussed by authors by decades; however, it has only been deeply studied over the last thirty years, becoming more important as an important cause of long term dependence on mechanical ventilation by seriously ill patients in intensive care medicine. CONTENTS: A significant reason for such interest is due to the importance of the CIP as complication of the septic shock and in patients with multiple organ failure, as much as responsible for the prolonging hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit, as for the gradual reduction of the chance of survival. It has been suggested that the polyneuropathy is related with cytokines and other mediators which would increase the permeability of the vases, resulting in endoneural edema and causing the axonal injury. It is difficult to do the initial diagnostic, which, in general, are only possibly recognized when the sepsis complications or the multiple organs failure have been satisfactorily controlled. The diagnosis is made through the eletroneuromiography exam, and although there is still no effective drug treatment other than the control of the basic illness, it is consensus among multidisciplinary team that the development of the CIP does not have to be understood as a way to reduce the intensity of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Spit of your prevalence, it is still unknown the mainly factors which are physiopathology associated as soon as your correct therapy.

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