Markers and mediators of inflammatory response in infection and sepsis - Critical Care Science (CCS)

Markers and mediators of inflammatory response in infection and sepsis

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2007;19(2):210-215

DOI: 10.1590/S0103-507X2007000200012

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sepsis is the expression of a complex network of mediators. Multiple organ dysfunction and septic shock indeed remain a major cause of death among ICU patients worldwide. Prompt recognition of both the diagnosis and the complicated evolution are essential, hence the importance of using biological markers. The main pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines as well as hundreds of others cellular markers, circulating bioactive molecules or coagulation products are potential biological markers that could help to characterize the presence of infection and sepsis. We aimed to review the main biological markers that could be used nowadays or possibly in the future, either in clinical or research fields. CONTENTS: A selective review of biologic markers of sepsis focusing on markers of the coagulation cascade, C-reactive protein and procalcitonin. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the available biological markers is still not a practical method to be used at the bed-side and is currently restricted to research works. Nowadays the determination of CRP or PCT serum levels can be of great help in the critically ill patient care along with the conventional parameters.


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