Leveraging a national cloud-based intensive care registry for COVID-19 surveillance, research and case-mix evaluation in Brazil - Critical Care Science (CCS)


Leveraging a national cloud-based intensive care registry for COVID-19 surveillance, research and case-mix evaluation in Brazil


Large national databases of intensive care units (ICUs) generate valuable information for the management and guidance of public policies.() These national ICU registries were established in high-income countries more than 20 years ago. Their contribution to the understanding of case mix and outcomes of ICU patients as well as to clinical research and quality improvement in these countries is substantial.() More recently, initiatives have successfully implemented national registries in Latin America() and Asia.()

Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, with an estimated population of 213,209,356. In 2015, the Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) established the “Brazilian ICUs Project” (), leveraging from the existing national database of case mix and quality assurance for ICUs. (,) Participation is voluntary and grants access to a free version of the software. It uses cloud-based software to continuously track quality and performance indicators.() The database now includes information on more than 4,000,000 adult ICU admissions.



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