Drug-nutrient interactions in the intensive care unit: literature review and current recommendations - Critical Care Science (CCS)

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Drug-nutrient interactions in the intensive care unit: literature review and current recommendations

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013;25(2):162-167

DOI: 10.5935/0103-507X.20130028

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OBJECTIVE: To describe the interactions between drugs and nutrients and their frequency in the intensive care unit and to assess the professional team’s awareness regarding this subject. METHODS: The keywords “drug interactions” and “nutrition therapy” were searched in the PubMed (specifically MeSH) electronic database. The studies were systematically reviewed for descriptions of the types of interactions between drugs and nutrients, including their frequency and consequences. RESULTS: Sixty-seven articles were found. Among these, 20 articles were appropriate for the methodology adopted and accomplished the objectives of the study. Of these 20 articles, 14 articles described interactions between drugs and enteral nutrition, three described interactions between drugs and parenteral nutrition, and three described the importance and care required to avoid such interactions. CONCLUSIONS: The literature about drug and nutrient interactions is limited and suggests the inability of health care teams to recognize the potential for these interactions. Possibly, the elaboration of a protocol to evaluate drug-nutrient interactions will increase the safety and efficacy of therapeutics.


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