To: Changes in respiratory mechanics during respiratory physiotherapy in mechanically ventilated patients - Critical Care Science (CCS)

Letter to the Editor

To: Changes in respiratory mechanics during respiratory physiotherapy in mechanically ventilated patients

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2015;27(4):422-423

DOI: 10.5935/0103-507X.20150072

Views 1

To the Editor,

We were very interested in the study by Moreira et al.() as it reflects common and routine respiratory physiotherapy practices in intensive care units in Brazil and other countries. We appreciate the author’s effort in examining the evidence for this type of therapy. In this study, an improvement was observed in the ventilatory mechanics parameters after the application of a respiratory physiotherapy protocol in patients dependent on mechanical ventilation. The authors report a significant increase in dynamic pulmonary compliance, tidal volume, and oxygen saturation and a reduction in respiratory system resistance after application of the protocol. This protocol consisted of chest compression and vibration maneuvers, 0.9% saline instillation, and hyperinflation with a manual resuscitator, followed by endotracheal aspiration. However, we note the absence of a control group to help determine whether these gains were due to the use of the protocol and whether these gains could not be achieved with the endotracheal suction procedure alone.



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