Mortality due to sepsis in Brazil in a real scenario: the Brazilian ICUs project - Critical Care Science (CCS)


Mortality due to sepsis in Brazil in a real scenario: the Brazilian ICUs project

Worldwide, the number of sepsis patients per year is estimated at 15 to 17 million, contributing to more than 5 million deaths annually.() In Brazil, recent publications have indicated an increase in the number of cases of this syndrome in late years.() Many factors have contributed to this trend, such as population growth and rising in life expectancy, which rose from 65.3 years in 1990 to 71.5 years in 2013, increasing the susceptible population to include elderly people, people with chronic diseases, and immunosuppressed people.() In addition, initiatives such as the Sepsis Survival Campaign (CSS) and the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA) are some means used in better identifying septic patients and increasing disease reporting.

The Brazilian ICUs project, created by Epimed Solutions®, together with the Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) (), is based on the National Registry of Intensive Therapy, with the objective of characterizing the epidemiological profile of Brazilian intensive care units (ICUs) and sharing epidemiological information that may be useful in guiding public health policies and developing research and treatment strategies to improve the outcomes of critically ill patients in Brazil.(,) The participation of ICUs in the Epimed Database is voluntary and governed by a commercial agreement with Epimed Solutions®, an information technology company responsible for the development, updating, security, and backup of all processes.() The participants in the Brazilian ICUs project have access to a free and simplified version of the system.



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