Already a long way... and a longer way ahead: our future challenges - Critical Care Science (CCS)


Already a long way… and a longer way ahead: our future challenges

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2013;25(3):181-183

DOI: 10.5935/0103-507X.20130031

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Our journal, Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva – RBTI, is now indexed in PubMed/MedLine. This achievement represents a critical step for the Brazilian-Portuguese-Latin American intensive care community. Certainly a well-deserved recognition of our quality and efforts in this crusade.

We do expect an increase in our submissions, coming not only from Brazil and Portugal but also from Latin America and other continents. RBTI is currently Latin America and Portugal’s best structured critical care journal. Over the past few years, our journal has consistently improved. We now have a technically sound journal in both Portuguese and English with an excellent quality of written English, a modern electronic submission system (Manuscript Central) and a renovated website with many practical tools to help authors and readers. Since 2007, RBTI has been indexed in the Scientific and Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and the journal’s quality has greatly improved, as demonstrated by our growing access numbers on the SciELO website. From January 2007 to August 2013, we had more than 3,052,831 article accesses, 1,129,554 of which were from January 2012 to now.( ) Since 2009, we have had 46,775 accesses in Spanish and 172,321 in English at SciELO,( ) demonstrating our relevance to non-Portuguese-speaking readers.



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